
What are the Grossmont Union High School District and Google Apps for Education privacy policies?

The Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD) is responsible for protecting and safeguarding the confidentiality of student information. GUHSD has contracted with Google to provide access to Google Apps for Education in a closed and secure environment for students and staff members. Google Apps is governed by a detailed privacy policy and security measures. GUHSD has reviewed the privacy policy and security measures and believes they appropriately protect the privacy of users. Under the school system's terms of service agreement with Google, the company is obligated to comply with FERPA regulations. Additional information about Google Apps for Education security and privacy may be found at

What assurances has Google given Grossmont Union High School District that it will not collect data on my student?

GUHSD has a signed agreement with Google based on the terms of this agreement: Please see Section 7. CCPS Google Apps for Education is compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, also known as FERPA, and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.

Who has access to my child’s account?

The Google Apps agreement with GUHSD contractually ensures that our students, faculty, and staff members are the sole owners of their data. Google will only access content stored on Apps when a GUHSD administrator grants Google explicit permission to do so. One example would be to investigate inappropriate use.

What protection will the Grossmont Union High School District provide so that my child is not accessing inappropriate content on the web?

There are no advertisements used with Google Apps for Education. Google Apps for Education is an online collaboration tool that is accessed using a web browser and requires a login and password. GUHSD also uses a CIPA-compliant web filter that blocks inappropriate categories. This filter is active on Chromebooks in school and outside school.